John Petrocelli, C.Ht.

Certified Hypnotherapist and
Director of the New York Hypnosis Center, LLC
139 Fulton Street - Suite 1012
New York, NY 10038
The Hypnosis
Located conveniently in NYC's Financial District
A - C - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 subways stop literally at the door
Fulton / Nassau St. Station
Description of Practice:
President / Executive Director - The Society of Applied
Director of The Hypnosis Center, LLC.
National Guild of Hypnotists - Certified Hypnotist
The Banyan Hypnosis Center - Certified 5-PATH Hypnotherapist
The Silva Method - Certified Silva2000 Lecturer
NY Hypnosis Institute - (Barry Seedman, Phd) - Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
The Achievment Center - (George Bien, Phd) - Certified Advanced Clinical
Doug O'Brien & Associates - Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist
John's first
exposure to hypnosis was at the tender age of nine while viewing the movie
- Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein - and becoming fascinated with
the power of Count Dracula, who with just a 'flip of his wrist' and a
'glance of his eye', made Lou Costello move like a marionette puppet.
"I took
my newly acquired shoe shine kit that I received for my 9th birthday down
to the local train station, shined several people's socks and took the
five dollars in change I received and mailed in for Melvin Powers classic
book, 'How to Hypnotize People'. " Of course I didn't really know
how to hypnotize anyone, but my dad would point out his crazy kid running
out of the bathroom with a bath towel draped like a cape, holding up the
hypnosis book to everyone within sight and shouting "Sleep!"
When I left college stressed and burnt out from going through a full time
curriculum while holding a full time job and holding office: President
of Student Government and Student Representative on the Board of Trustees,
I studied and trained in an intensive program called 'The Silva Method'
and in the 5 years I lectured for the Silva Organization, over 10,000
graduates were certified in the basic 4 day class with me.
Recently I organized the largest hypnosis study intensive and practice
group in the world called the 'Somnambulistic Sleepwalkers' intent on
giving hypnotists hands-on practice and training in the myriad of powerful
hypnotherapuetic techniques that are available but knowledgeable in execution
by only handful of trained hypnotherapists..
It wasn't until until I stumbled on Gerald Kein's and Cal Banyan's excellent
book which led me to Cal Banyan's 5-PATH Training that I found a system
which summed up exactly what I had been looking for all along - an extremely
powerful, systematic and therapeutic approach to hypnotherapy which took
up were most other hypnotists left off.
"I can't tell you how much hypnosis has helped me in my own life!
I have been using the techniques in my own life for 20 years. When the
World Trade incident occurred on 9/11, I was standing in front of the
towers, walking to work. I spent the following months living
with an incredible amount of stress. My apartment is located 10
blocks in front of the WTC. The Forgiveness techniques which are
incorporated into the 5-PATH system turned me around almost overnight
from a walking zombie who was suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder), back to my old self."
Our new center is located in the downtown area of NYC. Drop in and
visit us. Learn how this powerful technology known as the 5-PATH
system can turn your life around!
Location of Practice: - New
York City - Tribeca / Soho location
New York Hypnosis
Center, LLC
139 Fulton Street - Suite 1012
New York, NY 10038
New York Center of Hypnosis
NYC's need for qualified hypnotherapists and hypnotists 24 hours
a day - late night and weekend appointments are available by reservation
Our hypnotists and hypnotherapists are all NGH and 5-Path Certified.
Phone: 212.964-4450
Web Site: -